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    About Nicole Davis

    My Mission is to provide high-quality life coaching, to enable any client to reach a better and more fulfilled level of life.

    Before I created my signature program the 360 Degree Life and Business Coaching Company, I spent over 20 years in Corporate America working with biotech and pharmaceutical companies in various roles in business development. I quickly rose up the ranks and as an executive, led regional sales and service teams to consistently overachieve revenue objectives as I generated millions of dollars for the companies I worked with.

    After starting a family and having children, I started a home-based business in real estate. While a being a stay-at-home mom who also ran a thriving business, I quickly grew the business to exceed the goals and expectations set. I continue to support my spouse, who is an executive at a Fortune 100 medical device company, he travels frequently and generates hundreds of millions of dollars. I also support two sons who are high-achievers academically and well rounded playing several sports throughout high school and have decided to attend a nationally ranked research institution.

    I am highly intuitive, creative and I get it. I see opportunities working families, middle-lifers, entrepreneurs and leaders don’t see for themselves. I am known as an alchemist and I help you to connect the dots, so that together, will develop a thoughtful plan to take you and yourself, your family and/or team where you want to go.

    I have been very fortunate in life, I have known great success, made a lot of money and have traveled the world. I have experienced deep love, nurturing friendships and a loving family. I have also experienced loss, overcame a mysterious illness, went through tough times and have met many struggles and disappointments. What I know for sure is that every single one of my life experiences whether joyful or difficult, has made me into the person I am today. I count my blessings and I am truly grateful every single day.

    My Mission

    My Mission is to provide high quality life coaching, to enable any client to reach a better and more fulfilled level of life.  In doing this Woman Ellevate is committed in particular to the following:

    • To develop a positive process, tailor-made to suit the agenda and the specific needs of each individual client or organization.
    • To follow a totally holistic process addressing the needs of the whole person
    • To establish an interactive relationship between coach and client, based on the full commitment of both parties
    • To endeavour to motivate an facilitate clients to achieve their true potential and bring positive change through the setting and achieving of self-defined goals
    • To operate on the premise that all clients are creative and resourceful with the ability and the potential to express and define their own solutions
    • To establish a partnership which challenges clients to recognize and build on their strenghs, explore their current reality and find positive ways to make changes and move forwards
    • To be an instrument in helping every client to develop a fresh perspective on each situation they are facing supporting them to explore a range of options
    • To maintain the highest level of integrity and unbiased opinion on every client, regardless of their gender, ethnic, social and religious background.

    Thank You

    My Objective

    I help “overwhelmed” women/men/entrepreneurs find clarity, gain confidence & take action in life and business. This includes the woman/man who lost her purpose, her identity, maybe even her/his passion. I draw on many years of hands-on experience & credentialing to help women/men create the life/business they crave.

    As a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend & certified life coach, I stand for all women/men ditching “should’s & shame, & choosing instead to tap into the call of the heart, reclaim lost energy & unearth the passions that make them truly shine.

    Your world can get crowded with overwhelming to-do lists & the pressure to do ALL things & do them well. You put your own passions on hold and & lose sight of what makes you, YOU. You get stuck or you have great ideas and need guidance support and tools to move your idea forward. You get stuck in the mire of “not enough” or “success without the tools” this is a true epidemic in the culture we live in.

    I get it and I have been there…ENOUGH. Whether you are a mother/dad, a young professional an empty-nester…feeling lost or searching for answers is OK, & wanting to find yourself again is the first step back to YOU or gaining the answers you need to get your idea off on the right foot. Let me help you rediscover YOU and take the fear/anxiety of taking action.

    You can expect me to be 100% supportive, completely non-judgmental, authentic, honest, firm & fair. You are going to be asked a lot of questions in each session & I will challenge your perspective. I will also invite you out of your comfort zone & hold you accountable for yourself, your actions, and your goals.

    I am here to walk with you… EVERY step of the way!

    I am here for you.

    Thank you so much for first taking the time to better yourself and starting to make plans to better yourself. Your willingness to be brave and to change. I promise that the journey toward a healthier you starts with healthier boundaries and is worth the discomfort and work of starting your journey to a happier more peaceful you.

    The Benefits:

    • You will experience less stress.
    • You will have healthier relationships that tend to last .
    • You will experience less burnout.
    • You will feel more joyful.
    • You will have short and long term value of setting yourself up for a purposeful life.

    Reach out to me today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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